Custom Personalization Solutions LLC (CPS) is a group of fast growing web-oriented businesses specializing in the personalization industry.
Formally founded in 2012, CPS brought together three world-class brands dedicated to producing high quality, unique gifts that leave a lasting impression. From customized handcrafted jewelry, to personalized home goods, apparel and more, CPS has a unique gifts for all occasions.
For more than 20 years, Limoges Jewelry ( has been supplying custom-made, personalized jewelry to top name retailers and shoppers alike. Committed to providing premium products at affordable prices, Limoges Jewelry has established itself as a successful multi-million dollar business in the jewelry industry.
Combining top-notch partners and renowned licensors, CPS owns, operates and merchandises multiple ecommerce websites. Launched in 2014, Personalized Planet ( boasts a unique offering of high quality gifts for any occasion.
Combining thousands of exclusive personalized designs with licensed goods, CPS offers the most robust assortment for many of our brands. When shopping for birthdays and special occasions, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends will find the perfect fun and friendly gifts kids love!
Over 100 years of personalization experience, CPS has brought together its “Dream Team” of innovators and designers to create an assortment of personalized gifts unlike anything in the marketplace.
Our retail sites include:
We work as a drop shipper with many wholesale clients and catalog companies providing to them a wide assortment of personalized exclusive and non-exclusive products. If you are looking to expand your selection of products and grow your business, contact us to see how we can help.