Business structure and lifestyle is drastically changing all over the world. Globalization is influencing all industries in all nations. Many excellent talents are leaving firms whether they like it or not, and start small but creative new businesses. Economic crisis which overwhelmed the world is as if a sign of the end of the existing system. In fact, presence of individual professionals and small enterprises is growing day by day. They are small mammals against gigantic dinosaurs in the Jurassic period. We all know outcome of the survival race; which species went extinct and which survived. Each small entity, however, is not almighty. Each is with limited amount of power and ability. They need to help with one another to survive.
Curiosity Japan is happy to describe itself as a small and powerless mammal. But quickness and versatility that we possess, we believe, cannot be performed by conservative organizations. Our limited resources are dedicated to develop business in Japan and to introduce business from Japan to the world. Industries we have been specialized with are entertainment, amusement, design, printing, digital signage, toy, and art. We need partners from all over the world.
Curiosity Japan is eager to work with people who want to enter into Japanese market. We dare to share dream and success with partners, and construct mutual and creative relationships.
Let us hear your dream. Let us grow it in Japan. Your challenge is my challenge.