Adv Jan Grobler BComm LLB MBA CFP founded Curator Project Management in 1994 in Johannesburg, South Africa. Jan left his advocate roots behind to build Curator with the vision to help SMME survive & thrive through Curator Project Management Services.
Perri Grobler joined the company in 2004 when she immigrated to South Africa from Australia. Perri has deep knowledge of retail & management.
Together they formed Curator Business Consultants.
Curator franchised its services in 1998 and has since helped establish more than 80 inter-dependant SMME consultancies. Today Curator has licensees, approved suppliers, clients and friends on four continents and has been instrumental in helping more than 5000 entrepreneurs build their businesses.
The Curator team plays a key project management role in helping its clients with business acceleration projects through various tailor made initiatives.