CrowdsUnite is the world's largest crowdfunding review site. We connect individuals, small businesses and start-ups with crowdfunding platforms to find the best online funding for their goal. Users can post reviews, read articles and compare crowdfunding sites all from our website. CrowdsUnite also provides crowdfunding educational and consultation services.
There are over 700 crowdfunding platforms globally which includes Equity, Debt, Donation, and Reward based platforms. New ones are created every day for specific industry, region, or demographic. CrowdsUnite organizes and categorizes all of these platforms to simplify the overly complicated crowdfunding process. Our goal is to be the ultimate resource for anyone seeking online funding.
CrowdsUnite educates the public about crowdfunding and connects crowdfunding enthusiasts and professionals both on and off line. We offer networking and educational classes in New York City every month.