Did you know there are nearly 425,000 insurance brokerages in the United States with 1 million agents?
At Cross Insurance Agency, we’re not just another independent agency. We exist for one reason and one reason alone—to bring our clients value with competitive rates and friendly & reliable customer service!
Our agents don’t just show up for work. Every day, they strive to exceed expectations and deliver the best insurance solutions in business, home, auto & life.
Here are just some of the many ways that we over-deliver for our customers each and every day at our Olympia home office and 6 states:
★ We have access to multiple auto insurance companies, not just one. That means we can give you the most competitive auto rates in the industry.
★ If you need homeowner's insurance, we cover custom-built to traditional homes in Washington, and can insure almost any home.
★ We can write multiple business policies, including commercial auto, general liability, commercial property, and more!
★ Life insurance options are available as well and we’ll work with you to find the best ones for your needs.
Some of the questions we help answer for our customers are:
❏ How can you guarantee me the best coverages for my home and auto?
❏ How quickly are your claims processed?
❏ What types of business insurance do you offer?
If you’re in need of a new policy, or you just want to review your existing ones, then contact our office today.
You can always reach one of our friendly agents at info@crossinsuranceagency.com or send us a direct message below.