After 15 years in investment management operations I quit the corporate world and started looking for my next career. I decided on Real Estate because I like the idea of being in charge of my own destiny and the fact that I firmly believe in real estate; it’s a good long term investment that also brings intrinsic happiness.
Today’s real estate market is not the market of even five years ago. It is no longer a simple matter of getting an accepted offer and progressing smoothly and predictably through escrow. Let’s face it today’s real estate market is a bit crazy! Banks and their intermediaries have a disproportionate role in today’s market. And as a result I feel the consumer has become the underdog. It is a sad state of affairs when the distressed homeowner feels they have no options but to hide and wait until the Bank comes to take their home.
I want to be a resource to provide information and present options to those homeowners. I want to help prospective buyers make it into houses without it costing them a huge commitment of time or sanity. In short, I want to be your advocate in real estate.
To use a Ralph Waldo Emerson quote I like “to laugh often and much; to earn the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children; to leave this world a better place; to know even one life has breathed easier because I have lived. This is to have succeeded”.