Delivering a simple customer experience has never been more complex. Fast-moving tech, generational change… tomorrow’s policyholders expect effortless service with a human touch. Count on Covenir's ONSHORE outsourcing services to seamlessly execute YOUR business vision – and transparently uphold your brand experience.
From the frontline to the back office and everything in between, we’re the expert onshore outsourcing partner to help get you where you’re headed next, fast. With the right people, right here at home.
We’re not an extension of your team, we ARE your team.
Outsourced Frontline Services:
A team that answers the phone around the clock, resolves issues on the spot, and provides empathetic customer experiences – FNOL, agent, and claims services – on-brand, onshore, on target.
Outsourced Back Office Support:
From policy servicing and underwriting support, to full premium services like bank reconciliation and agent commission processing – servicing P&C with exceptional quality control.
Outsourced Customer Comms:
Scalable, streamlined tech-enabled support for print and distribution needs, high-volume hardcopy mail handling, digital document scanning, transformation, and workflow processing.
Vision, Meet Execution.