Cornerstone Church is a mid-sized contemporary United Methodist Church in Auburn Alabama.
Cornerstone Church is made up of ordinary people from all walks of life who understand they need to continually rely on God. We aren’t perfect, but we seek a God who cares and desires to be active in our daily life. We believe church is for everyone; it should be fun, exciting, powerful and relevant.
The story of Cornerstone United Methodist Church is short, yet filled with great accomplishments occurring at a pace that can only be attributed to God and the people He has gathered to serve together in this young church.
Cornerstone came to life in 1999 when Rusty Hutson and his family moved to Auburn to plant a church for the Alabama-West Florida Conference of the United Methodist Church. The first meeting was held at the Auburn Wesley Foundation with a small group of 35 who learned that the church would be named Cornerstone United Methodist Church. They began with weekly Wednesday night meetings to plan, pray and grasp God’s vision