Located in the Northwest suburbs of Chicago, CoreWellness is a chiropractic and therapeutic services provider dealing in pain management, physical therapy, weight loss solutions and general strategies to help you live a healthy and pain-free life. Our state of the art equipment and staff can serve your health needs.
PAIN is a four letter word and one you don't have to live with. At CoreWellness Dr. Reffell took the ChiroPledge for neck and back pain: “To the best of my ability, I agree to provide my patients convenient, affordable and mainstream Chiropractic care. I will not use unnecessary long-term treatment plans and or therapies." This means that we use the latest holistic and medical advancements to reduce pain quickly. We implement our unique physical rehabilitation program, designed to strengthen the injury-prone areas of your body. Also, once you are pain free, we help you on the road to a healthier life through our Wellness Program.
If you are looking for non-invasive and pain free ways to slim your waist, reduce body fat in problem areas and shed those unwanted pounds, our state-of-the-art laser lipo system can streamline your weight loss efforts.