Cops Fighting Cancer is a non-profit, 501(c)3 organization that exists to provide Hope, Support and Compassion to Colorado cancer patients and their families. Officer James Seneca founded the organization and has gathered both law enforcement and civilian volunteers, who have a genuine desire to help cancer patients and their families win the fight against cancer.
Cops Fighting Cancer provides financial, practical and emotional support to help these patients and families focus on defeating the illness. People who have been diagnosed with cancer immediately find themselves in great need. The primary need is medical care, but all of the other “day-to-day” needs don’t just disappear. Rent and mortgage payments still need to be made, families still have to be cared for, and all of the other practical daily tasks need to be carried out. These needs don’t go away. These families also find themselves in tremendous need for emotional support that goes well beyond sympathy. The treatments for cancer, while much better than they used to be, are not easily endured. It takes strength and support form others to help patients make it through. Cops Fighting Cancer is here to provide that support for Colorado families.
The Long Blue Line: A lifeline of hope from behind and beyond the badge