Our firm has helped hundreds of businesses and individuals for over a decade with their accounting, tax preparation & planning, and business consulting needs. With highly-skilled and experienced professionals, we work closely with business leaders and high net-worth individuals in achieving their goals.Established in 1997, Cooper's Accounting Service, LP (CAS) was founded on the principle of delivering customized accounting and tax services to businesses and their owners and to non-profit organizations. Let us help you!
HQ Location
3711 Long Beach Blvd Ste 815
Long Beach, California 90807, US
Customized accounting servicesTax preparationBusiness consulting
Accounting servicesTax preparation & planningBusiness consulting
Business ConsultingBusiness Tax ReturnsNonprofit Tax ReturnsIndividual Tax ReturnsTax RepresentatioEstate Gift PlanningBookkeeping/Write-upsAccounting SoftwareQuickBooks Training