Cooolio is an online portfolio company based in India’s Silicon Valley, Bangalore. Cooolio innovates, conceptualizes and develops new age web and mobile based technology applications. Revolutionary products are built with an aim to take the web and mobile experience to new dimensions with a motto of being amazingly simple yet highly functional.
Launching products within highly engaging verticals like Entertainment, Sport, Travel and Education are outlined to be the company’s entry point into the Online Media space. While products will cater to Global audiences, Cooolio will have an Asia Pacific focus trying to capitalize on the growth and scale within.
The company has also opened up its experienced backend to service third party companies. Consulting, Design, Development, Ad Serving and Ad Operations are some of the services available to online businesses.
Technology, Information and Internet
HQ Location
101, Raheja Chambers, #12 Museum Road
Richmond Town
Bangalore, Karnataka 560001, IN
CooolTech - Web & App DevelopmentCooolServe - Advertising OperationsResearch and Consulting for Online EnterpriseAd Serving in Partnership with ADTECHOnline Marketingand Design & Branding