Through Convocation, graduates have a life-long relationship with the University of Western Australia. Convocation is one the four constituent bodies of the University (along with staff, the students and the Senate), as defined in the University of Western Australia Act of 1911. Membership of Convocation is open to members of academic staff of the University as well as graduates.
The University of Western Australia needs a strong and vibrant graduate community. Convocation works to:
- Enhance the reputation of the University.
- Maintain a long-standing commitment to undergraduate and postgraduate scholarships, bursaries, and awards.
- Encourage good governance of the University through the election of members of Convocation to the University Senate and the Council of Convocation.
- Bring graduates together in a range of activities, including reunions.
- Invite influential speakers to address Ordinary Meetings of Convocation in March and September annually.