Headquartered in the Chicago area, Context 4 Healthcare, Inc. has more than 33 years of experience in software & data products for healthcare compliance. Our solutions impact more than 4,000 clients & tens of millions of lives. Context’s solutions have been developed to address the industry challenges currently faced by healthcare payers & providers. Our cloud based Payment Integrity Platform utilizes our proprietary analytics engine to identify coding errors, medical necessity, unbundling, fraud-waste-abuse (FWA), audit risks and other aberrations that can impact your business. Context’s nationally recognized UCR (usual, customary and reasonable) fee database utilizes billions of provider transactions, providing accurate fees for millions of procedure combinations. Our UCR reference-based pricing is available in the cloud along with all Medicare Prospective Payment Systems. Add our 100+ database products and Context is your one-stop source for healthcare data, compliance and integrity solutions.
Hospitals and Health Care, Medical Aids & Supplies
HQ Location
55 Shuman Boulevard
Suite 650
Naperville, IL 60563, US
Usual Customary Reasonable Data SolutionsMedical Claim CodingICD-10 SolutionsPayment IntegrityProgram IntegrityReference-based PricingHealthcare Master DatMedicare PricingUCR FeesFrau