Content Creative Indonesia (CCI) is a company specializing in the areas of creative production, training and media/ TV consulting. CCI was founded in January 2010 in the midst of rapid growth of the media industry with an increasingly strategic role.
1. Creative Production Division
Produce various kinds of programs with multi-platform approach or content convergence.
Content production includes factual TV program, multi-camera production, multi-media production and format creation
2. Training Division
Provide the best service in media management and programming, multi-platform journalism, presentations and interviews, how to deal effectively with media, building mutual relationship with the media and personal branding strategy through the mass media.
3. Consulting Division
Provide guidance for professionals in making the media as an effective means to compete and win the competition.
In the media industry field, consultancy includes content and production planning, channel planning and set up and hiring strategy. In the field of personal branding strategy, CCI provides issue mapping service, media content analysis, media strategy and winning by the media.