Contarina is responsible for the management of waste from the municipalities belonging to the Priula Consortium, in Treviso province, in the Veneto region (Italy), in an area covering approximately 1,300 square kilometres with about 554,000 inhabitants.
The citizens’ waste is managed through an integrated system involving waste from production to collection, treatment and recovery, generating a positive impact on the environment as well as on the lives of the people.
The company’s daily goals aim to increase the percentage of separate collection, to reduce the amount of- produced waste (especially the nonrecyclable waste), to raise the quality of the collected recyclable material, and to improve the offered service, optimising the cost-benefit ratio.
Environmental Services, Storage and collection of waste - equipment, Powder compactors, Tools & Hardware, Metallurgy & Metalworking, Scrap and waste (trade), General traders, department and retail stores, Retail & Traders, Secretarial services, Services to businesses
HQ Location
Via Vittorio Veneto, 6
Spresiano, Veneto 31027, IT
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