ConnecTTall Resource Group collaborates with client organizations regarding analysis and assessment, human resource and leadership training and recruiting, change implementation and management, conflict mediation, team dynamics, communications and marketing consultation, and process acquisition and transition through various organizational development opportunities
• Work with clients regarding customized training courses such as leadership, growth, and entrepreneurial mindset, customer service, understanding conflict, organizational communications and business writing, and social media
• Develop and instruct courses in collaboration with local colleges and universities
• Provide coaching, mentoring, and professional development for individuals
Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
5115 Excelsior Blvd
Suite 442
Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416, US
Human resource trainingLeadership trainingChange implementationConflict mediationTeam dynamicsCommunications and marketing consultationProcess acquisition and transitionOrganizational developmentCoachingMentoringProfessional development
Customized training coursesLeadership trainingGrowth trainingEntrepreneurial mindset trainingCustomer service trainingConflict resolution trainingOrganizational communications trainingBusiness writing trainingSocial media trainingCoachingMentoringProfessional development for individualsTraining courses in collaboration with local colleges and universities
Organizational DevelopmentCustomized TrainingHR ConsultingLeadership DevelopmentCareer CoachingSpeakerHigher Education TeachingUniversity LeadershipManufacturingTeam Leadership Development