CEDR is the Road Directors’ platform for cooperation and promotion of improvements to the road system and its infrastructure, as an integral part of a sustainable transport system in Europe. It’s members represent their respective national road authorities or equivalents and provide support and advice on decisions concerning the road transport system that are taken at national or international level. The mission of CEDR is;
• To analyse future developments of the road system and its infrastructure as part of a sustainable transport system under the environmental, economic and social aspects and identify new challenges in order to promote common strategies.
• To promote international networks of personal contacts between Road Directors and their staff.
• To provide a platform for understanding and responding to common problems.
• To develop a strong involvement in EU developments on matters relating to the road system and its infrastructure.
• To use existing representations in relevant international groups for mutual benefit.
• To make use of the results of common understandings as well as research results in each member country.
The CEDR LinkedIn group for NRA staff is at https://www.linkedin.com/groups/7460258