The company CONCRE-TEC GMBH & CO. KG, is a Manufacturer/ Producer, which operates in the Rubber products industry. It also operates in the Plastic floor coverings, Parquet floors, Floors, industrial, Structural work, Plastic floor coverings, Parquet floors, Floors, industrial, and Structural work industries. It is based in Taucha, Germany.
Business Consulting and Services, Rubber products, Fahrbahnbeläge für Hoch- und Tiefgaragen, Industriebodenbeläge, Fußbodenverlegearbeiten, Fußboden aus Kreativbeton, Beton, Industrieböden, befahrbare, Beton, stahlfaserverstärkter, Stahlfaser-Industrieböden
HQ Location
5 Gerichtsweg
Taucha bei Leipzig, 04425, DE
Services. Company organization, management and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociolog.Services. Company organizationmanagement and quality. Administration. Transport. Sociolog.