Computational Thinking Initiatives offer programs and resources to improve computational thinking skills among students everywhere. With support from a central staff of trained experts, volunteers enable the initiatives to provide leading-edge computational thinking instruction in locations across the United States and around the world through the AI League, initially concentrating on middle-school and high-school students. Through Computer-Based Math, schools, school districts and entire national educational systems can implement a full computational thinking curriculum for their students.
Computational Thinking Initiatives emerged from the Wolfram Foundation, a nonprofit organization founded by Stephen Wolfram that has provided over a decade of programs in computational thinking education., a UK-registered company founded by Conrad Wolfram, has been transforming educational systems since 2010.
E-Learning Providers
HQ Location
255 Elm St
Somerville, Massachusetts, US
Computational thinking educationAI and machine learning instructionCurriculum development for computational thinking
AI LeagueComputer-Based MathComputational thinking instructionComputational thinking curriculum
Computational ThinkingEdTechEducatioSchool ProgramsSTEAM