Compositec is a leading skills development centre specialised in composite materials.
We are dedicated to provide high quality services to all companies which have to deal with "composite skills" issues : End-users, transformers and materials suppliers acting mainly in aerospace, competition, ground transportation, electricity and construction :
> Business Services through training courses and consulting
- Engineering
- Testing
- Industrialisation
- Manufacturing
> Education through apprenticeship
- Composite operator (Titre niv V)
- Composite project manager (License)
- Composite formulation et processing engineer (Master spécialisé) in partnership with ITECH
> Innovation through collaborative and private programs
- Composite recycling technologies
- Improvement of SMC / BMC technologies
- Renewable resources based composites
- Continuous fibre / thermoplastic matrix technologies
Professional Training and Coaching
HQ Location
Savoie Technolac, BP 252
27 allée Lac d’Aiguebelette
Le Bourget du Lac cedex, 73374, FR
Training coursesApprenticeshipTechnical assistanceResearch and developmentComposite recyclingRenewable resourcesThermoplastic compositesSMC / BMC technologiesComposite material testing and engineeringand Composite manufacturing