Communication Research Center At Boston University

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The Communication Research Center (CRC) at Boston University is the College of Communication’s (COM’s) media research hub. Research is an integral part of faculty and student activities at BU. Researchers at COM use the most advanced theory and methods to examine communication phenomena. Addressing both theoretical and applied problems through a range of quantitative and qualitative perspectives, faculty and students engage in the most cutting-edge developments in communication research that provide an extraordinarily fertile ground for innovation and science. The CRC was established in 1959 and reorganized in 1994. The CRC pioneered the use of television as a research tool, conducting systematic analyses on the effects of television on children and measuring political opinions and voting intentions. This early beginning led the CRC to develop a specialty in survey research methodology. Today, the CRC has 39 research fellows who specialize in topics including: media effects, emerging media, political communication, health communication, public relations, film and television studies, media and adolescents, international communication, and communication law. Several research faculty also serve as editors of competitive peer-reviewed journals. The CRC has recently updated a number of research tools such as the iMotions biometric research platform which allows faculty and students to examine physiological responses to media (e.g., websites, ads, television programs, and video games). Other recent additions include a virtual reality system which aids faculty and students to investigate issues related to psychological presence, empathy, and immersive storytelling.
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704 Commonwealth Ave Boston, Massachusetts 02215, US
  • 704 Commonwealth Ave Boston, Massachusetts 02215, US

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