The foundation of any community is trust.
As human beings we need each other. The connected world makes it simpler to find and seek out other people, but it makes it harder to trust. As you navigate the world, whether you’re going near or far, you’re increasingly reliant on the advice and recommendations of strangers to get around. You use one review application to find out where to go and how to get there, another application to book travel or hail a ride, another still to find a safe and comfortable place to stay, and scores of others to determine what to do, to purchase tickets, and get advice on the weather. Even after all this time searching and reviewing, you can still be left with a bad or even frightening experience. Trust is hard to come by.
At Communal, we seek to fix what is fundamentally broken about the connected world and sharing economy. Our goal is to help travelers, neighbors, and newcomers find warmth, rest, safety, and security wherever they may be, all from one app.
Everyone in the Communal system can go on to build real relationships and find friends in strangers as they navigate the world, and we help provide for the providers of support systems through fair wages, fees, and profit sharing.
Find out what true sharing means and what it can bring to your life.