Colors To Web Pvt. Ltd. is a company registered under the Company Act 2065 with the number 58167/065/066 from the time of its establishment it has been involved in development of Web, Graphics & software for different national and international organizations as per their requirements.
Our main aim is to create an IT enabled solutions that will assist your business development. Our main principles are:
Simplicity without losing the point works
A client should be able to get simple, intelligible information at any time.
We stick to these principles in everything that we do whether it is communicating with a client, issuing tasks to the project managers or assigning the task to the Designer/Programmer.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Munibhairab Marga -388, Subidhanagar
Tinkune, Kathmandu
Application DevelopmentWeb DevelopmentDigital MarketingBranding