The company Colian Logistic is owned by a strong producer - Group Colian, leading player of both domestic and international food market. The group is the owner of renowned brands of sweets, spices and beverages valued by generations of consumers. The company's portfolio is impressive. It includes popular and liked brands such as Goplana, Solidarność, Śliwka Nałęczowska, Grześki, Jutrzenka, Familijne, Akuku!, Hellena and Appetita. Premium brands of British and Irish origin have joined this group - Elisabeth Shaw and Lily O'Briens.
One of Colian's priorities is continuous development in various areas, not only the production of sweets. Thanks to many years of experience, the company finally established an enterprise specialising in logistics services. Colian Logistic sp. z o.o. started operating on July 1, 2009.
Colian Logistic has its branch offices in Kostrzyn Wielkopolski, Kalisz, Bielany Wrocławskie, Lublin, Bydgoszcz, Stryków, Katowice, Warszawa, Wykroty, Robakowo and Glinka Duchowna.
Colian Logistic offers comprehensive logistic services. The company’s activity is based on 3 pillars:
- storage,
- forwarding and transport,
- customer service.