Colegio Ponceño specializes in Education Management with 51 employees
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About Colegio Ponceño
Colegio Ponceño was founded in 1926 by María Serra Gelabert as “Colegio Ponceño de Varones”, a Catholic school for boys.
– The Marianist Brothers ran the school from 1930 until 1969.
– Since 1967, Colegio Ponceño (CP) is a parent owned non-profit corporation.
– A Board of Directors is elected yearly; they approve the FY budget.
– The Piarist Fathers have run the school since 1969 with a service contract with the school board.
– In 1973, Colegio Ponceño de Varones became coed and changed its name to Colegio Ponceño.
– In 1974, CP originally located in the middle of Ponce, moved to a new 15-acre suburban campus
– 8 main buildings, barrier-free, beautifully constructed and connected.
– In 1991 & 1992 the US Department of Education recognized the Elementary and High School of CP as an “Outstanding School of the Nation”.
-In 2005, the “Consejo Iberoamericano en Honor a la Excelencia Educativa” gave the “Premio Iberoamaricano de Excelencia Educativa” to CP, the first school in Puerto Rico to receive such an award.
FeExcelencia AcadémicServicio ComunitarioRobóticSTEMOrganizaciones EstudiantilesPrograma de BecasSacramentosMisa diaria y DominicalNational Student Council
Colegio Ponceño Location
Coto Laurel, 00780, PR
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