CMIC Group was the first company to provide CRO (contract research organization) services in Japan. Relevant laws and rules had not been established when the group was first established. The CRO Study Group (which later became the Japan CRO Association) was formed by Mr. Kazuo Nakamura, the current CEO of CMIC Group, and others to conduct promotion and public relations activities and to negotiate with the authorities for the establishment of CROs in Japan.
CMIC Group offers extensive services that encompass an entire value-chain of pharmaceutical companies, including manufacturing, sales, and marketing, based on our unique “Pharmaceutical Value Creator” (PVC) business model. We also offer services to medical device manufacturers, academia, bio-ventures, and medical institutions. We also provide prophylaxis and health enhancing services to the public. We will continue to establish business models that create further value and contribute to greater advances in the pharmaceutical industry.
シミックグループは、1992年に日本で最初にCRO(医薬品開発支援)というビジネスを開始し、 リーディングカンパニーとしてお客様の様々なニーズに対応してきました。今では、CROの枠を超えて医薬品開発に関わる全ての業務においてサービスを提供する体制を整えています。これまで培ってきた豊富な経験とノウハウを最大限に活かし、お客様の期待に応えるとともに、新たな価値を創出できるようなビジネスモデルを構築し、メディカル・ヘルスケア分野の発展に貢献していきます。