ClevAir reduces energy consumption and emissions of CO². Our solution automates and optimizes HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Condition) in commercial buildings. ClevAir combines IoT devices and ML with our SaaS based software tool and algorithms. ClevAir can optimise ventilation with or without a BMS, with our 4G-gateway we connect to your ventilations system and communicate with most protocols.
We reduce the energy consumption by 15-25%, hence reducing the CO². emissions accordingly.
In addition to reducing energy consumption and CO² emissions, we also provide our customers with insights, dashboard, and data to help create reports according to the coming EU-taxonomy.
IT Services and IT Consulting
HQ Location
Grenseveien 21
Building energy optimizationHVAC automation and optimizationRetrofitting old buildings and systemsLowering facility maintenance costsRemote building managementAutomated HVAC controlReal time monitoringAir Quality ControlEnergy managementBuilding energy optimizatio