We provided the latest laws and regulations for financial services and insurance companies.
Clear Market Practices, LLC has been delivering weekly reports since 2001. The CLEAR Report has provided up-to-date information on all aspects of regulatory material that impacts a given line of insurance, including legislation, regulations, bulletins, directives, Attorneys General opinions, and any other information we believe can be helpful.
We have a mix of compliance professionals and attorneys on staff who are reviewing daily new regulatory articles passed and organize them into five different reports (life, health, property and casualty, bank and security). Within each report, we further organize each article into topics (over 150+ different topics). Each Monday morning, a weekly email is sent to each user as a reminder that the new reports are available.
CLEAR Report™ is a weekly report of new state and federal legislation and regulations, bulletins and circular letters. Reporting includes more than just state insurance departments. The reports also include information from other agencies that impact your business, at both the state and federal levels.
You choose the CLEAR Report™ that you receive:
• Life - LTC and Disability (group, individual and credit)
• Health - LTC and Disability
• Bank
• Property and Casualty
• Securities
Each company purchases a single site license which allows for an unlimited number of users at no additional costs.