Classic Movie Love? Classic Movie Hub
Who we are:
*The “Everything” Classic Movie Destination: Fans would have to visit over 100 sites to find all of this information.
*A trusted platform and driving force within the Classic Movie Community, with an avid fanbase of 450K+ and growing.
*A recognized Influencer in the Classic genre with Established Relationships with Major Studios and Industry Leaders.
What Fans can do on CMH:
*Browse, discover and share favorite films, stars, trivia, quotes, articles, charts, places to go, things to do and more! Learn about classic movie news and upcoming events including screenings, festivals, blogathons, twitter parties, exhibits -- plus rate films, add events, create lists, share blog posts and enter our monthly giveaway contests to win Classic books, CDs, DVDs, movie tickets and more...
Our history:
*Classic Movie Hub was founded in 2009 by Annmarie Gatti, and the website was launched in 2011.