Developers & Manufacturers Of Thermal & Acoustic Insulation Products For Industry, For Use In Extreme Conditions & Hostile Environments; Non-Combustible, Flame Resistant, Chemical Resistant, Abrasion Resistant, Decay Resistant, Gas Resistant, Corrosion Resistant, Resistant To Water & Oil Based Liquids, Heat & Cold Resistant, Lightweight, Preformed To Specs., Vapor Barrier Protection. High Temperature Insulation Pad Components, Thermal Insulation Lagging Materials, Welding/Protective Fabrics, Packing & Gasket Products, Fire Resistant Insulation Materials, Thermal & Acoustical Products
Shipbuilding, Acoustical Foam, Foam, Plastics, Plastics & Rubber, Acoustic Covers, Covers, Machine Parts, Machinery, Tools & Supplies, Silicone Treated Fabrics
HQ Location
35 Winsome Rd
Durham, CT 06422, US