Welcome to District Heights! The City is located in Prince George's County, Maryland. District Heights is committed to providing excellent municipal services that enhance the quality of life for our citizens. Through the intelligent use of City resources, communications, marketing, research, financial management, and community development, District Heights is able to improve the quality of life by providing residents with these necessary services.
The City of District Heights encourages all to voice any questions, comments, and concerns that you may have. We are committed to responding to comments and complaints within 24 hours, Monday-Friday. It’s very important that citizens identify themselves so we can respond quickly to your concerns. Please be sure to include within your E-Mail: Your Name, Your Home Address and Phone Number.
Mission: The City of District Heights strives to promote and improve life, enhance a sense of community, preserve our culture and heritage, and create economic opportunities. We support initiatives focusing on the city's priorities, Economic Development, Public Safety, Health and Housing, Recreation, and Sustainable Climate, resulting in welcoming, safe, healthy, and productive municipality. We strive to provide excellence through evidence-based programming and services and responsible and accessible government. We encourage and expect public participation and collaboration from our residents and local businesses. We are committed to fostering respect, innovation, inclusion and progress.
Vision: We strive to provide excellent resident services through cost efficient, evidence-based programming, that are sustainable and accessible. Hallmarks of good governance.