The City of Cocoa, Florida was founded in 1859 and is centrally located in Brevard County with a rich and diverse history.
Mission: To enrich the quality of life for our unique and diverse community by delivering Professional, Responsive, Innovative, Dedicated and Exceptional public services!
IMPORTANT NOTICE UNDER FLORIDA'S PUBLIC RECORDS LAW: Please be aware that under Chapter 119, Florida Statutes, every response & submission to this website is a public record & may be posted for as long as the website administrator allows for such item to remain posted. If any submission is removed by the City as allowed by any City Policy, please be advised that all of such removed submissions will still be stored by the City offline & will be considered a public record available for inspection to the extent allowed by Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Requests for public records may not be made via this site but must be directed to the City Clerk.
Our social media policy can be found on our website:
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