Building Skills, Transforming Lives
Christie Lake Kids offers recreational and skill development programs at no cost to economically disadvantaged children in the Ottawa area between the ages of 6-17 years old. Through our programs we assist children and youth to develop skills in the arts, recreation and athletics, which in turn builds leadership skills, self-confidence and the positive outlook that they need to break out of the poverty cycle and become young people contributing back to society.
Offering year-round programming within the urban housing envronment and at camp, Christie Lake Kids recognizes that in order to grow into healthy adults, all children need opportunities to:
•Build life and recreational skills through artistic and athletic activities
•Build and improve self-esteem
•Be exposed to positive role models
•Gain an appreciation for art and culture
•Experience success and accomplishment
Christie Lake Kids programs are based on the following basic principles:
•All kids deserve a safe, healthy childhood.
•All kids deserve the opportunity to learn, to achieve, and to succeed.
•Teaching skills of all kinds not only builds that particular skill, it also builds self-esteem, social skills, and other positive qualities.
•Children from low-income families deserve the same recreational and skill development opportunities as other children.
•Caring for children and youth is not just a private issue, it is a collective responsibility