Children Always First, is a small family-feel Independent Fostering Agency founded by Jan Blazak and Julie Elliot in 2012. Jan and Julie’s vision and insight in to the world of fostering has led the Agency to become the successful child-focused organisation it is today.
As an Agency we have grown greatly over the 8 years we have been operational. We now have in excess of 50 fostering households. However we will never become a massive national, corporate organisation, as we want to be certain we never lose our ‘family feel’.
What brings us all together at Children Always First is our shared values and beliefs. Everyone involved with Children Always First shares our belief that each ‘looked after’ child really matters. We all share this child-centred ethos and ‘therapeutic parenting’ approach. We work tirelessly to ensure that each child achieves their full potential, against whatever hurdles life has thrown in their way. We will always maintain our ‘family feel’ and always put children first, that’s at the centre of everything we do.