Chemical Manufacturing, Antiseptics and antibacterial preparations, Health, medical and pharmaceutical, Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals & Plastics, Anticholinergics, Pharmaceutical preparations for the central and autonomic nervous system and anaesthetics, Antisepticemics, Analgesics, Antipyretics, Anti-allergic preparations and antihistamines
Sterilization and disinfection in general, Disinfectants and antiseptics, Pharmaceutics in general, Other standards related to pharmaceutics, Milk and milk products in general, Other milk products, Sugar. Sugar products. Starch, Animal and vegetable fats and oils, Materials and articles in contact with foodstuffs, Plants and equipment for the food industry, Chemical reagents, Chemical analysis, Inorganic chemicals, Organic chemicals, Products of the chemical industry in general, Chemicals for industrial and domestic disinfection purposes, Wood-protecting chemicals, Essential oils, Chemicals for purification of water, Other products of the chemical industry, Raw materials for rubber and plastics in general, Rubber compounding ingredientsSterilization and disinfection in generalDisinfectants and antisepticsPharmaceutics in generalOther standards related to pharmaceuticsMilk and milk products in generalOther milk productsSugar. Sugar products. StarchAnimal and vegetable fats and oilsMaterials and articles in contact with foodstuffs