In 1999, it was Lord Westbury’s vision to build a family of companies that could offer integrated, end-to-end solutions for our clients, many of whom operate in high-risk environments. Over time this vision became a reality.
Today we are the Chelsea Group. Our companies and services are:
CTG - specialist HR for humanitarian/development projects
Chelsea Énergie - Operations & Maintenance for power plants
Chelsea Group Mozambique - security & risk management
Chelsea Staffing - recruitment, mobilisation & HR of personnel in corporate sector operating in frontier markets
Chelsea Water - clean-water technology for any environment
COG - Camp Operations
Hart - security and risk management
Longport Aviation Security - AVSEC
Leadership Trust - leadership development
SE24 - Crisis Management
Enigma Alliance - turnkey life support solutions (including NapCap)
The Chelsea Group has a flagship secure accommodation camp in the AAIA zone of Mogadishu where the efforts of many of the Chelsea companies come together including: camp build and management (COG), high-end container accommodation (NapCap), water to WHO standards (Chelsea Water), ongoing security (Hart) and HR and project management to the humanitarian sector (CTG).
These fully independent companies within the Group provide best-in-class services around the globe, and employ over 6000 personnel. The Chelsea Group has impressive management teams offering decades of diverse experience; together we can offer our clients truly holistic and integrated solutions in some of the most challenging environments.