The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission will improve the quality of life in Charleston County by offering a diverse system of park facilities, programs, and services. One of the prime responsibilities of the Charleston County Park & Recreation Commission is the development of a countywide park system. These parks are generally of a size and scope that would not be developed by other municipalities and public service districts. The park system emphasizes passive activities, outdoor recreation, environmental education, and public beach access. Each park facility offers a variety of programming generally directed toward the natural features and characteristics of the site. Staff and commissioners are committed to maintaining high standards in the delivery of leisure services and facilities to the citizens of Charleston County.
Recreational Facilities, Executive, Legislative, and Other General Government Support, Public Administration
HQ Location
861 Riverland Drive
Charleston, South Carolina 29412, US
Community EnrichmentFunStewardshipDiversityAccessibilityQualityHealth and WellnessExceptional Customer ServiceSafetyLeadership