Cerutti Film

Cerutti Film specializes in Entertainment Providers with 2 employees
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About Cerutti Film
Nominated for the Impact Award 2016. Producer of ALICIA, Special Jury Award IDFA 2017. Willemijn Cerutti dedicated herself to the executive production of independent, creative documentaries at Zeppers Film & TV in Amsterdam for 13-years. In 2013 Cerutti Film got off to a flying start. She produced three 50-minute films and two short youth documentaries with Dutch public broadcasters VPRO, NCRV and Human. Currently she is producing two feature length documentaries for cinema and a cross media project 'If you are not there, where are you?’ with partners in arts and science. Willemijn Cerutti Film added youth documentaries as a genre to her skill set and aims to further develop this. The power of telling true stories in film is undeniably strong in the eyes of Cerutti’s young audience, including her own daughters. Cerutti Film started the foundation Harlem District to develop outreach campaigns to not only enable documentaries to reach it’s target audience, but also aims to create social impact. The viewer doesn’t have to be a passive spectator, but is invited to join and create impact together. Cerutti Film strives to set up alliances with a wide range of social partners. These support and supplement the point of view of the filmmaker and increase their scope. This multidimensional approach forges new connections and increases the impact of a documentary on society.
Year Founded
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Entertainment Providers
HQ Location
Zijlstraat 78 Haarlem, North Holland 2011TR, NL
impact productionshuman interestyouth documentarycreative documentaryVirtual Realitytransmedi
Cerutti Film Location
  • Zijlstraat 78 Haarlem, North Holland 2011TR, NL

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