We recognized a need in the nutritional industry for a one stop shop for athletes and quality conscious customers to find the best in NSF certified for sport- banned substance free nutritional supplements.
This idea came from one of our founders, Colorado catcher Jonathan Lucroy. Professional baseball like many sporting organizations requires athletes to use supplements that have been tested and are guaranteed to be banned substance free. Jonathan found that when searching for products, that are NSF Certified for Sport, he would have to search all over the internet to try to find the right products for his regimen. He thought, “why not have everything athletes and purity conscious customers need all in one place and have the expertise to help build the right regimen for everyone.”
Certified Athletic Nutrition (CAN) was born out of a need from a professional athlete, but is also passionate about helping the “everyday athlete.” That person who expects more from their supplements, for their own training or daily health needs. At Certified Athletic Nutrition we believe that EVERYONE CAN!
Wellness and Fitness Services
HQ Location
1080 Quarry View Way
Sandy, Utah 84094, US
NSF certification processBuilding the right supplement regimenEnsuring banned substance free products
NSF certified for sport nutritional supplementsBanned substance free nutritional supplements