Centre for Law and Policy Research (CLPR) is an organisation which aims to maintain and promote legal education and public policy research and litigation. CLPR collaborates with organisations, institutions and programmes to promote legal research and cause related litigation.
As part of its policy work, the CLPR has initiated projects in the form of pre-legislative recommendations to proposed legislations such as disability legislations and marriage laws amendment legislation. The Centre also undertakes intensive research tailored to author text books suitable for law students. In this regard, the Centre is in the process of authoring books on Constitutional Law and Legal Methods for students.
CLPR is also involved in certain litigation work in the High Court of Karnataka and the sub-ordinate courts. As part of its litigation work, the Centre has taken up matters, mainly by way of public interest litigations, in the areas of disability law, tobacco regulation law and urban infrastructure development law.
The team of CLPR consists of lawyers and academicians who work collectively to promote research oriented work. The Centre also has a wide network of experts such as academicians, advocates and research organisations with whom it partners on several projects in order to make substantial intellectual contributions to law and policy related matters.