In 2005, Mark Hilson began asking small business owners in Regional Victoria what they liked and disliked about their IT infrastructure and existing level of IT support.
Over and over again, he heard the same frustrating accounts of:
* Our computer people take days to return my calls....and when they do all I hear is finger-pointing. Isn't anyone accountable for anything anymore?
* What time is it? It's got to be getting close to lunchtime. My computer's already locked up at least twice today.
* It's too complicated....we just want to do our jobs, run our know, keep things simple!
Sensing there had to be a better way, he came up with a solution to provide small & medium businesses in Regional Victoria access to what was previously only available to large companies: their very own virtual Information Technology (IT) department.
Central Victorian Technology Services (CVTS) was launched to fulfil this role and serves to help small & medium businesses in Regional Victoria to
...allow business & technology to operate & grow in harmony.