Central Park Medical Unit
The Central Park Conservancy estimates that Central Park is host to more than 42 million visitors each year. Since 1975 the all volunteer Central Park Medical Unit has continued to be the front line Emergency Medical Service and Response for thousands of calls for emergency assistance to Central Park’s sick and injured. At over 843 acres of open space Central Park is located in the center of Manhattan Island and is home to a reservoir, several large performance venues, a fully operating zoo, numerous military monuments, a carousel, a swimming pool, and two ice skating rinks just to name a few making it the world’s busiest city park.
It is worthy to note that CPMU responds to dozens of calls on a daily basis during our hours of operation, many of these calls are true medical emergencies resulting in life saving care -- which represents well in excess of two and a half million dollars in FREE care to the people of New York City. Central Park Medical Unit boasts a fleet of state of the art ambulances, six medic bike units and a specially equipped all terrain vehicle which allow them to achieve and hold a state record response time of consistently under a life saving 3 minutes.
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
Central Park
New York, New York, US
Emergency responseMedical emergency careLife-saving proceduresHigh efficiency ambulance serviceQuick response times
Emergency Medical ServiceLife-saving careState of the art ambulancesMedic bike unitsSpecially equipped all terrain vehicle
Saving LivesLessening the Suffering of the Sick & Injure150+ Diverse Professional VolunteersNYS Record Response TimeEMSEmergency Medical ServicesVolunteerVolunteeringCentral ParkEmergency Response