Central Limit Solutions has aligned with the Dr Mikel J Harry Six Sigma Institute to bring to South Africa the teachings from the founder of the Six Sigma methodology.
Dr Mikel Harry has been widely recognised and cited in many publications as the principle architect of Six Sigma and the world’s leading authority within this field. His book entitled Six Sigma: The Breakthrough Management Strategy Revolutionizing the World’s Top Corporations has been on the best seller list of the Wall Street Journal, Business Week and Amazon.com
The SSMI® Lean Six Sigma Body-of-Knowledge (SSMI® BoK) was designed using 35 years of successful practice and application knowledge of Dr Mikel J Harry and several of his distinguished colleagues. Our content is tried and tested by the world's leading corporates including many Fortune 500 companies, business leaders, academics, leading universities and practitioners. www.ssmi-asia.com