CRC is the research and consultancy link to Philippine business opportunities.
Founded in 1967 as a think tank applying economic insights to address business needs, CRC has grown to become one of the Philippine’s most important research and advisory firms. It has continuously provided innovative business advice, tapping a diverse pool of experts across a tapestry of different fields, including infrastructure and industry; energy; transportation and logistics; food and agribusiness; digital sector; social economics, family life and youth education; and migration and overseas Filipino work.
With the University of Asia and the Pacific (UA&P) as its partner, CRC is in a unique position to help businesses through a wide array of services, including business feasibility evaluation, demand and supply analysis, partnership development, project impact evaluation, value chain analysis, customized solutions, and consultancy services for investors in the Philippine market. CRC is committed to provide accurate and reliable business insights, tools, and business solutions to drive investors from all over the world to grow and expand their businesses in the Philippines.