The Center for Mindfulness and Compassion (CMC) is an interdisciplinary center within Cambridge Health Alliance (CHA).
CMC aims to enhance the health and well-being of CHA and our local community by integrating mindfulness and compassion into healthcare. Based on current scientific understanding of mindfulness and compassion, CMC encourages empirically-supported theory and practice. CMC focuses on innovation in areas of patient care, professional education, scientific research, workplace well-being, and programs for our diverse communities. Grounded in the value that mindfulness and compassion are innate human capacities that support health and well-being, CMC aims to foster an inclusive, caring and multi-cultural community that allows individuals to thrive.
Hospitals and Health Care
HQ Location
1035 Cambridge St
Suite 21a
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02141, US
Mindfulness and compassion practicesEmpirically-supported theory and practiceInnovation in patient careWorkplace well-being programs
Mindfulness and compassion programsProfessional education in mindfulness and compassionScientific research on mindfulness and compassion
mindfulnesswellnesscompassiohealthcarehealthcommunityxiety helpepression helpselfcareself-compassio