The Center for Deployment Psychology's mission is to prepare health care professionals to better meet the deployment-related emotional and psychological needs of military personnel and their families. More than two million service members have deployed during the conflicts overseas, including many who have deployed multiple times.
To meet its mission, the Center -- which is headquartered at the Uniformed Services University of the Health Sciences -- trains health care professionals through live presentations, online learning resources, ongoing consultation and state-of-the-art education, coordinating activities across a nationwide network of training sites at 11 military medical centers.
Mental Health Care, Therapy & Counselling
HQ Location
4301 Jones Bridge Road, Bldg 11300-602
Walter Reed National Military Medical Center
Bethesda, MD 20814-4799, US
Evidence Based Psychotherapy TrainingProlonged Exposure TherapyCognitive Processing TherapyInsomniDepressioSuicidePTSDTraumatic Brain Injury (TBI)Counseling Center Core Competency TrainingDeployment Psychology