A global network of groundbreaking research observatories that provide the ideal environments for dedicated contemplatives to explore the nature and potentials of consciousness firsthand, while fully engaging with scientists to develop rigorous measures for novel research into the nature of the mind.
- Experiential: Highly trained contemplatives engage in full-time retreat practice, training the mind in robust, time-tested methods of internal inquiry to gain insights into the defining characteristics of consciousness itself. Practitioners emerge to apply these insights practically in the world, applying their own balanced and healthy minds across disciplines and sectors.
- Scientific: Interdisciplinary scientists conduct rigorous, novel research and publish their results. Researchers collaborate with contemplatives to explore what is widely regarded as a mystery - consciousness itself - in order to make discoveries that transform the way we inhabit our world cultivate our minds toward balance and health.
- Applied: Researchers and subject matter experts across industries develop accessible, widely applicable interventions grounded in contemplative practice and research findings to enable people and organizations to cultivate exceptional mental health, resilience, creativity, and contentment.
- Dialogic: Teachers and practitioners alike encourage dialogue across the world's great scientific, religious, and wisdom traditions, nurturing inter-contemplative dialogue and rediscovering the valuable depths of the world's diverse traditions.
Founded by renowned scholar of Tibetan Buddhism and science of mind Dr. B. Alan Wallace, and guided by an advisory board of leading scientists from disciplines including physics, neuroscience, and psychology, the Center for Contemplative Research seeks to unleash the mind’s potential toward a better world.