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About Center for Community Investment
The Center for Community Investment at the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy works to overcome disinvestment and improve opportunity so that everyone has a fair chance to lead a healthy and productive life. We help communities set the stage for investments that advance their goals by helping leaders clarify local priorities, enlist institutions that could contribute to success, develop a pipeline of investments to achieve the vision, and change policies and practices to create a more supportive financing environment. We have developed a framework and approach that community partnerships can use to mobilize resources like land, investment capital, and expertise to provide access to affordable housing, jobs, fresh foods, and other social determinants of health and make communities more cohesive, resilient, and environmentally sustainable in the face of climate change.
1300 I St NW
Suite 400E
Washington, District of Columbia 20005, US
Community investment strategiesLocal priority clarificationInstitutional engagementInvestment pipeline developmentPolicy and practice reformClimate change resilience planning
Community investment frameworkResource mobilization approachAffordable housing solutionsJob creation programsFresh food access initiativesResilient community development
Center for Community Investment Location
1300 I St NW
Suite 400E
Washington, District of Columbia 20005, US
113 Brattle St
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, US
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