March, 2017: Cenique Infotainment Group is pleased to announce that we have formally merged with ADVIA Partners, a Strategic Consulting Firm and InReality, an Atlanta based agency. The three companies will operate under the InReality brand, and are focused on delivering a shared vision for a best-in-class software and services company.
Founded in Hong Kong in 2012, Cenique focused on delivering anonymous analytics on consumers as they navigated physical spaces. The company was accepted into the prestigious Hong Kong Science Park Incubation (IncuTech) Programme in 2013 and were the first startup in that class to achieve profitability. Cenique opened its U.S. subsidiary in 2013, and quickly expanded their offerings to include digital signage solutions bundled with anonymous video analytics detailing how consumers notice, view and otherwise engage with content.
Deployed in 27 countries, Cenique has a range of reseller partners and an installation base in over 3,000 locations around the world including major league baseball parks, NBA basketball arenas,
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Software Development
HQ Location
Unit 207, 2/F, Building 16W, 16 Science Park West Ave,
Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks
Shatin, New Territories HKG, HK
Digital Signage PlatformAnonymous Video AnalyticsAndroid Digital Signage SolutioPeople CountIntelliSenseIntelliAAudience MeasurementAudience DemographicsAudience TrackingTargeted advertisements